
DCWV Memory Book Makeover with Rita

by Rita Barakat | 9 years ago

Hey there artsy peeps, Rita Barakat  here with a make over I did with a DCWV Memory Book : Kraft and Black!
It comes with tons of pages, pockets and opportunities to add your own flair to it. Of course I had to add more color, making it a mixed media art journal in my style!  There were so many fun pages, I made a video for you!

Here are some still shots…


I hope you enjoyed taking a peek at my mini art journal. This album is 8 1/2 x 11 and is available at Joanns.
And the next time you see an album like this, I hope you are inspired to transform it into your style!






Rita Barakat Mixed Media Artist, Illustrator and Designer & Educator. From wall murals to itty bitty minis you can find her work in various hospitals, corporations, family homes, manufacture websites and magazines. She designs for DCWV, Faber-Castell Design Memory Craft®, Deflecto, ColourArte and freelances for a variety of manufacturers


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