
Hello Friend!

by Jessi Pascarella | 9 years ago

Hello, crafty friends! It is Jessi from the DCWV Social Media Team. Have you been enjoying the projects the design team has been whipping up with the new DCWV products? They have been inspiring for me and hopefully you as well!  In case you have not heard, DCWV just had a HUGE release of products available at JoAnn Stores! If you do not have a store near you, check out their website!

Today I am working with the new DCWV Happy Day stack! The colors in this stack are beautiful! The possibilities are endless!  Due to limited time, I needed to create a quick project. The card below was created in less than 15 minutes! 

Instructions to create this card:

  1. Cut and score cardstock to form an A2 card.
  2. Measure and cut print to fit the front of the A2 card (4.25in x 5.5in). Attach to the front of the card.
  3. Measure and cut floral print layer (3.5in x 4.75in). Add adhesive .5" in from the edges and attach to the card. Using fingers or a tool, curl the paper edges up. (Check out the picture below.)
  4. Measure and cut vellum layer (3.25in x 4.5in). Place the adhesive in the center then attach it to card and curl up the edges.
  5. Cut out printed tag and punch a hole in the top. Attach satin pink ribbon. Attach to the card with foam dots.


What to see the products before they hit the stores? Check out the DCWV Instagram page to see more product reveals! Thank you for stopping by today!



DCWV Premium Stack - Happy Day



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